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Aluminium engine block/head suface treatment
johnH20 - 10/1/14 at 07:41 PM

I have a nice newly blasted aluminium engine block and head. What is the best treatment to retain the natural finish against the dreaded 'white rust'. I have considered alu paint but that requires scrupulous cleaning and etch priming. I am edging towards a full treatment with ACF 50 ( hope I have remembered that right ) with occasional repeat treatments. What is the experience of the collective? Advice appreciated. TIA.

ReMan - 10/1/14 at 07:45 PM

Get it anodised?
But Ii suspect if it was as smile as that all the super cars would have it

davidimurray - 11/1/14 at 10:00 AM

I've just ordered some of this to coat the aluminium on my car -

Sounds almost too good to be true so hope it does what it says!