Seen a kitcar from all I know had a Supercharged 1300 busa engine.
Could not find what gearbox it had.
Would a standard 1300 busa gearbox be strong enough for this or what other gearbox could have been used.
It sounded if it was a bike gearbox in its gear changing.
But believe me it was really very quick on the track.
Any clues.
Standard box I would think
My mate runs a turbo busa, bust a box from launching in 1st on slicks so uses 2nd now been fine since rebuild that's on very soft sprint slicks
I run a turbo lump on the busa gear box.
Depending on the power you will have and the launches that your going to do (this is when the box is under most strain) I would upgrade your input and
output shafts.
I run standard gears in mine and the only issues I have had are twisting the input and output shafts.