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Engine Overhaul
phoenix70 - 6/11/04 at 08:02 PM

I'm just about to start overhauling my 2L Pinto for my Indy, and thought I would ask some advice about what I should be replacing in the engine, as well as what signs of wear to look out for. I'm not planning to spend too much rebuilding the engine, but I also don't want to have to take the engine back out again.

What is a reasonable amount of money to spend on a rebuild, bearing in mind I'm not looking to upgrade much. (P.S. the engine has done just over 100K)


jacko - 6/11/04 at 09:54 PM

Hi phoenix70 I overhauled my pinto engine about msix months ago. I had the engine rebored to maximum with new pistons I also renewed mains and big ends . I fitted a new oil pump. Full top and bottom gasket set. It cost 300 Quid inclidong vat. Hope this helps Jacko