I have just replaced the silvertop zetec in my F27 for a blacktop.
Everything has gone to plan and fits however, I have come across an issue.
I purchased the retroford alternator fitting kit for the blacktop engine, but now when I go to fit the gsxr throttle bodies, the throttle linkage
fowls the alternator.
Has anyone come across this problem before and if so how did you get around it?
If and when I get around to fitting a zetec then I may consider a metal impeller conversion for the water pump from someone like Spedeworth and maybe relocate the alternator ?
Same install as mine Blacktop and gsxr bodies, im using an escort altenator i think with the RF kit it is tight but i fitted the alternator first and
then put the bodies on with an st170 inlet.
Did use the grinder to remove the top rear mounting lug though
Originally posted by aardvark101
Same install as mine Blacktop and gsxr bodies, im using an escort altenator i think with the RF kit it is tight but i fitted the alternator first and then put the bodies on with an st170 inlet.
Did use the grinder to remove the top rear mounting lug though![]()
Not to hand
anyone else?
What would be the smallest alternater I could use?
Nippon Denso A073 (as used on Daihatsu's) is commonly used by folk who fit black tops into 7's.
They're quite small.
So just went out the car, looks like I am already using the smaller alternator listed above!
Any other ideas?
Will it move it to the other side of the engine without fouling anything?
If so you just need a suitable bracket and (maybe) drive belt.
Alternatively, look for a different bracket.
GBS do one here...
[Edited on 31/5/14 by turnipfarmer]
I'm still have a bit of a mare with this!
Got myself an alternator bracket from a 1.8 cvh sierra to try and mount the alt on the exhaust side, but again it's really tight!
Is there not a small alternator I can use? Any ideas?
So I've now purchased a small lightweight alternator... Still doesn't bloody fit. Picture below showing how it fowls the throttle linkage.
Surely someone else has had this problem and overcome it?
I'm looking at all that metal at the bottom of the bracket & wondering if it's actually doing anything, or just getting in the way?
Maybe it's more a case of the bracket fouling the alternator, rather than the other way round.
Would it be possible to lose the bottom part of the bracket, & support what remains by an L-shaped steel bracket running horizontally & bolted
to the engine block. (There's a handy hole already there by the looks of it.)
I'm no expert.... it's just a thought.
Can you not by some 45deg silicon hose to angle the TB's up a little? Looks like the linkage would clear then?
Make up a steel plate and lower the alternator.
It also looks like the alternator needs the correct pulley and moving forward.
My set up was all custom, and based around Weber Alpha TBs:
Originally posted by loggyboy
My set up was all custom, and based around Weber Alpha TBs:
Any possibility of rotating the alternator 180 degrees?
Can't see your oil filter, but you need a short one, rather than the standard long beastie.
Does the alternator pulley even line up with the belt route? Looks like the alternator is further back?
Alternator pulley lines up ok, just fowls the throttle linkage when moved up to allow the adjustment bracket to be attached.
This all fit perfectly on the silvertop engine
Can the linkage be switched to the other end of the carbs?
Hmm possibly, that's a very good suggestion! Will have a look later when I'm home, if it does I owe you a beer!