Hi All
Can anyone give me a recommendation of a fuel pump to use fo a 2l Pinto running a 38DGMS weber.
I have had two,one from rally design which seemed to be ok but has packed upo after 50miles. Bought at stoneleigh in 2013, so cant send it back. Not
sure what the other one is but it seems to be giving me fuel starvation on hard acceleration.
Also is there anything that need to be done when removing the mechanical pump or can the hole just be blanked off.
[Edited on 1/6/14 by Gemini]
I 've got a brand new Facet you can have cheap - I'll check the details.
thanks Tim.
how is that work of art of yours coming along.
Originally posted by Gemini
thanks Tim.
Originally posted by Gemini
how is that work of art of yours coming along.
I think it is already appreciated.think the pics on your site are faboulous.
Like many works of art, at the current rate of progress, I fear that it may only be appreciated once the 'artist' is dead!
The standard mechanical pinto pump would work fine for the next 20 years and be the cheapest and easiest option.
Hi all
Bit of a follow up to this.
I got the electric Facet pump from Tim but as i didnt have the regulator/filter i drcided to fit a new mechanical pump which i got fom Burtons power,
i had also got a while back a new carb from them as mine had some play on the shafts.
Fitted both and seemed to be a bit rough on idle and couldnt get it to run smoothly. was great at high revs and pulled very well, but had a lot of
difficulty with starting when hot and had a 1/2 m flame out the exhaust at one point! not so good with a fibreglass body!
Seemed to be pumping fuel straight through the carb.
Fitted the old electric pump and it ran better but still having the dying on me when putting accelerator down hard, assumption being fuel
Decided to get a filterking regualter and fit the Facet pump. Set the pressure to 3.5 psi and it now runs very sweetly.
Question to be asked is do the mechanicl pumps come in different pressure ranges or could the pump be defective?