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building plans
George - 1/8/14 at 08:12 PM

Sam_68 - 1/8/14 at 08:16 PM

Hello and welcome!

Were you trying to ask a question, or are you just getting the hang of the forums?

jacko - 1/8/14 at 08:22 PM

Car / house / garage ?
And welcome o the mad house

Ben_Copeland - 1/8/14 at 08:52 PM

Lowcost Builders by accident?

philfingers - 2/8/14 at 04:15 AM

Start with the garage first and build the rest of the house around it

Badger_McLetcher - 2/8/14 at 07:21 AM

Death Star plans?

Daddylonglegs - 2/8/14 at 01:29 PM

Nuclear power plant?

Angel Acevedo - 2/8/14 at 02:21 PM

Spam Factory??

JMDWestley - 3/8/14 at 04:37 PM

[Edited on 3/8/14 by JMDWestley]