Hi guys, when my turbo zx9 engine comes on boost it spits some oil out the case breather. This isn't cracked pistons, it's just the design
of the breather system and the fact that I have turbocharged it.
The oil breather has a pipe on the inside of the case that goes down into the oil in the sump and sits right at the bottom of the sump below the oil
level. This means that with some blow by from my boosted engine and the possibility that some pressure could be getting past my turbo seals and
further pressurising the casings, as soon as there is any pressure at all in the casing, it wants to either push my oil up the breather pipe, or push
air bubbles down the oil in my sump so that they can get out of the breather. Air in the bottom of the sump right next to the oil pickup isn't a
good thing at all.
So my question is if I remove this internal pipe which is just rubber pipe, it shouldn't have any adverse affects would it? I will also put a
second breather in the valve cover to help things.
A little of subject but do you have any details of the conversion ?
See my threads below for some more information.
Main bulk of the conversion is as follows.
Megasquirt MS2 V3.0 ECU
ZX10 throttle bodies and injectors
High pressure fuel pump
Ford coilpack
Rover 3.9 v8 plenum
Volvo turbo
Turbo manifold made by me
Landrover 90 intercooler
Cheap china wastegate
That's about it.
6psi got me from 125bhp to 181bhp
15psi got me to 225bhp
Taking it out around the fields in the next couple of days, will get some video