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Busa with a live axel
joni - 16/10/14 at 03:20 PM

Hi thinking of putting a hayabusa into my westfield sew live axel car

Was wanting to no what cwp to use
Looking to do hillclimbs and sprints not for road use
Many thanks Jonny

Jon Ison - 16/10/14 at 03:52 PM

I have a 3.09 in mine.

Dopdog - 16/10/14 at 05:18 PM

I have an independent rear end with a busa and it runs a 3.2 freelancer diff, I only sprint it as well.

joni - 16/10/14 at 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Jon Ison
I have a 3.09 in mine.

Do you not mean a 3.89
Is yours an English axel ?

joni - 16/10/14 at 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Jon Ison
I have a 3.09 in mine.

Also buddy what size of wheels are you running iam running 13" wheels