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clutch finger movement
ian.stewart - 2/1/15 at 08:27 PM

With my quest to build a better clutch, what is the consensus on here of how much do the clutch fingers need to be depressed before disengaging the clutch, I have been measuring and come up with some surprising dimensions- or not????

flak monkey - 2/1/15 at 09:36 PM

Typically about 5mm, but it varies depending on the pressure plate

DW100 - 2/1/15 at 11:17 PM

Remember that as the clutch wears the fingers move out a surprising amount and the leverage ratio changes (that's why the clutch gets heavier as it wears and a new clutch is sometimes so light it feels like its not connected). Also varies from clutch to clutch some are definitely listed as low lift variants.

19sac65 - 3/1/15 at 10:32 AM

You can check a clutch operation with a pillar drill
Bolt the clutch to the flywheel,lay it on the drill base and then use the chuck to depress the bearing
You can see the ring lift to release the plate and measure the thrust needed

ian.stewart - 3/1/15 at 10:59 AM

Originally posted by 19sac65
You can check a clutch operation with a pillar drill
Bolt the clutch to the flywheel,lay it on the drill base and then use the chuck to depress the bearing
You can see the ring lift to release the plate and measure the thrust needed

I was just going to go and make up a lever so I could try this, I hope my drill is up to it......

ian.stewart - 3/1/15 at 11:28 AM

6mm to disengagement