I have over the last year fully stripped and rebuilt a 2.1 fast road Pinto.
I took the opportunity to buy and fit a lot of new ancillary parts.
The Megajolt setup requires a distributor blank with the lower drive gear as the is the way the oil pump is powered.
I saw a neat version on eBay last year, did not buy it as it was £60.
My previous solution was to remove the distributor arm and cut the cap back to clear the bike carb manifold but it looks S41t on my nice new shiny
Any one got a solution or know who made the blanking device on eBay
The device you need was fitted to the last of the escort cosworths (small turbo) these do turn up from time to time on eBay.
My engine builder has chopped dizzy's down for me for pintos, rover V8s and jag XKs, he'll make you one but your looking at £70 and he will need an old dizzy
I have come across a simple distributor cap replacement that may do
If you have a photo of the cut down one your supplier dies I could be interested thanks
Also was not aware of the Escourt turbo Cossy thing
I did this on my own Pinto. Easy enough to do - Have a look at this and the next 10 or so photos
Pinto Cut-Down Distributor
My Pinto is actually out of my car now as I'm fitting a Duratec. Currently trying to sell the complete engine (1800), but if there is no interest
then I will split for parts so the cut down dizzy will be available then.
I dont think i've got any pictures, will have a look.
The last pinto i did i just left the dizzy in place, didn't look too bad.
That one was on megajolt, very good power for a stock engine