Don't know where would be a reliable source to look but I need to know if a '95 1.8 engine parts would be compatible with a '00
My Donor is a '00 model MK2, 1.8 ltr and I was offered a '95 1.8 engine that's knocking a little for a very silly price, so it would be
an ideal rebuild project on the side. So I was wondering ... will it fit the Gearbox, Engine mounts, wiring loom ( I am planning to run a
Megasquirt), and instruments, etc?
As far as I know engine mounts, gearbox etc. are all the same.
Wiring loom should also be the same/similar - give or take the possibilty of ABS, air con etc.
Unusual for the engine to be knocking.
The bottom ends are certainly very strong.
For the sort of money a rebuild will cost and the price known engines are fetching I'd be looking at buying an engine which runs OK.
Best source for info is probably miatanet though there's a fair amount on Nutz.
Cheers, Pewe10
Originally posted by pewe
For the sort of money a rebuild will cost and the price known engines are fetching I'd be looking at buying an engine which runs OK.
I bought a mk 2 '99 car for 360, took out engine propshaft gearbox and electrics and sold the rest for 481. Seems to me the best route for getting an engine that I was able to run test and drive for a bit of labour, advertising and - 121 pounds ;-)
Well in all honesty he's asking for 66£. Worth getting for the head alone I guess.
Don't take it as gospel but I believe all Mk 2 engines are VVT. The head is different in a number of respects and I would guess the wiring loom too. As suggested above Nutz or are your best sources of info.