Hillview18 - 17/5/15 at 08:23 PM
Hi everyone just bought a sick locust 7 it seems to be stuck in gear ideas would be much appreciated
coozer - 17/5/15 at 08:27 PM
Let's see some pics. How long has it been standing, how sick is it???
What's the clutch pedal feel like and how does the gears via the lever feel??? And the handbrake???
Hillview18 - 17/5/15 at 08:33 PM
Hi I've tried rocking it but no joy pedal seems good but if I try to start with pedal down it moves I will post pics tom
Hillview18 - 17/5/15 at 08:43 PM
It's a triumph herald 1200 by the wat
adithorp - 18/5/15 at 06:30 AM
Originally posted by Hillview18
Hi I've tried rocking it but no joy pedal seems good but if I try to start with pedal down it moves I will post pics tom
Even in neutral?
I'd have said clutch plate seized/rusted to cover/flywheel but that would start in neutral but not be able to engage gears once running and not
start in gear.
If it was/is a siezed on plate then there are a couple of ways to try and free it...
1) Start and warm it up in neutral, then (in a safe area) restart in gear, handbrake off so you drives off as it starts. Clutch pedal down, drive
along and slam the brakes on. It'll either stall the engine or break the clutch free.
2) Jack up the rear wheels with a trolly jack (agian in a safe area with nothing in front of you), start in gear so the rear wheels are spinning.
Then, with the clutch pedal down and a few revs on, get an assistant to drop the jack so the spinning wheels hit the ground. Again it'll either
break the clutch free or stall the engine (or pos' set off quick).
Both methods may take a few attempts. Worst case it breaks the plate up but that just means you have to split the engine/box, which is your only other
alternative anyway.
Niether of these methoods would pass a H&S check so be careful!
[Edited on 18/5/15 by adithorp]