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can't start - won't start - help please
HowardB - 12/7/15 at 03:03 PM

so, here it is, fabulous weather and no car

I have the following, it is a 1600 etec - silver top.

It had a problem starting and it also had a faulty wire on the air temp sender,.. it was running very rich and I concluded that this was down to the air temp sender being open circuit.

Fixed it, and still it won't play

I whipped the plugs out and they were wet with fuel, I checked and I have sparks.

So - here is how I start the car,..... ignition on - fuel pump on - fuel pump off - crank the engine,... and when / if it catches then fuel pump on,....

sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.

is it possible that the fuel pressure regulator is faulty and delivering full pump pressure to the injectors? Or is there some other possible fault that I have over looked?

It is on a pre-mapped ecu,. when connected to the PC I can see the sensors, and ignition advance, rpm, etc but not a lot else,...

any and all help / suggestions would be appreciated,...

thanks in advance


rusty nuts - 12/7/15 at 03:10 PM

Remove spark plugs, disconnect injectors and crank over with full throttle for a few seconds fit NEW plugs and retry.

dilley - 12/7/15 at 03:13 PM

Check the map.

Oddified - 12/7/15 at 03:47 PM

What make of ecu is it??.

Double check that everything on the pc/ecu looks about right- throttle position, water temp, air temp and also while it's cranking over.


HowardB - 12/7/15 at 04:17 PM

Thanks guys, I'll pop the plugs out and crank it over without fuel.. see how that works. I have a set of new plugs somewhere.

Oddities it's a Dunnel map and head, Dilly I'm not sure the software let's me see the map... something to explore

Thanks again, I'll report back later...

[Edited on 12/7/15 by HowardB]

HowardB - 14/7/15 at 06:11 AM

ok,.. so here goes,..

I have completed the following,.

removed and cleaned the plugs, disconnected the injectors and cranked the engine for a bit.
After that I fitted it all back together; spotless plugs.

It cranked ok, and after sometime it caught and ran.
After the engine reached temp I popped the plugs out again and they looked ok, it still smells a little rich though.

With the PC hooked up the EMS says everything is running ok, except that the cam sensor is not in sync. I think that this is used as it is sequential injection. So next action is a phone call to Paul at Dunnell to see what he recommends.

Again I'll keep you posted

thanks again for all your help - fantastic place this - learn so much here

HowardB - 27/7/15 at 08:23 AM

ok,.... story so far....

Checked all the fuel injectors - they open and close as they should,..
Checked the coild pack and leads, easily get a 25mm spark so there is plenty of HT
battery voltage on cranking seems to sit about 11.1V after some time it drops out to below 9v,....

Swapped out the coil pack and leads for a new set that I had spare.
Checked the idel screw on the TB's, opened up until the tps was showing 1%

started on 1st turn,... hmm,.....

oil and filter change, started again,..

ran for a bit,. all nice and hot,. however not sure that I am getting a full charge from the alternator,. that needs further investigation.

So in short when the battery is fully charged and all is good, with the TB's just cracked open it starts and runs,...

so.. has anyone got an AFR gauge that I can borrow, I just need to check the idle fuelling and see what it is...

getting there, the only consolation is that the weather is so terrible that I am not missing out on driving time.

britishtrident - 27/7/15 at 09:03 AM

Instantly dropping below 9 volts to around 6.5 volts when cranking indicates a dead cell in the battery. Dropping more slowly to 8v indicates insufficient charge in battery which can be either due to a charging fault or a battery that is worn out and damaged by being discharged too deeply so battery charge capacity is severely reduced.

[Edited on 27/7/15 by britishtrident]

HowardB - 27/7/15 at 09:48 AM

BT, thanks for that, I shall check with a spare known good battery, then I am looking a getting a new battery next,..

It is a game of elimination I think

thanks again