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Throttle Body Fueling
Project7 - 6/12/04 at 09:54 PM

With an individual throttle body setup, how is the fueling adjusted for cold start up etc?

Does the ECU just up the fueling or does the butterfly angle need to alter aswell?



CairB - 6/12/04 at 10:37 PM

AFAIA - The cold start fuel ratio is controlled by the ecu based on coolant temperature. Additionally some Fords use a valve that is to adjust extra air flow, eg pintos, zetecs and Duratecs to up the idle speed. This feed can be connected to each throttle body by a small pipe. If your using MAP as feedback then this will compensate for the extra fuel required. Some systems use this valve with PWM closed loop control to regulate the idle speed. I believe that the latest version of MegasquirtnSpark-extra incorporates this but I haven't tried it... yet.



Project7 - 7/12/04 at 07:14 PM

Thanks Colin