I had a little leak in my water system (prostate, probably ) and, after furkling about, found that one or two of the bolts around the water pump
weren't tightened properly (or had worked loose). One of these has a dual job, holding the timing chain cover as well as the water pump
Now I can (and have) tightened this as much as I dare, but the washer under the head is badly bent and needs replacing with something more
substantial. Trouble is, you can't get that bolt out of its hole without removing the water pump pulley.
My lazy question is - can I remove the pump pulley just by undoing the 4 bolts, or am I likely to open a can of worms, or find it impossible, or find
left-hand threads, or a simila gotcha? I call this question "lazy" cos I could just go into the garage and try to undo it... but I'd
rather stay in the warm and ask someone!
Take the pulley off and sort out the washer. No problemo.