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Zetec Cam Pulleys
JacksAvon - 8/8/15 at 03:38 PM

Afternoon Chaps,

If uprated Cams are fitted to an 1800 Zetec what benefit, if any would there be from fitting vernier pulleys?

I have heard it said that standard Ford pulleys have enough adjustment to deal with all but the wildest cams?

Any advice gratefully received..


rusty nuts - 8/8/15 at 04:29 PM

Standard pulleys do not have a keyway and will rotate freely on the ends of the cam, it may not be possible to time using the standard slot in the rear end of the cams if using aftermarket cams which are best timed using a timing disc and dial gauge. Vernier cam sprockets allow the center part to be locked onto the cam nose and then allow the outer section ,the part that the belt runs on, to be rotated to time the cam accurately. With a bit of patience it would be possible to do the jobs with the standard pulleys but easier with the vernier pulleys .

Paul Turner - 10/8/15 at 12:09 PM

Originally posted by rusty nutsWith a bit of patience it would be possible to do the jobs with the standard pulleys but easier with the vernier pulleys .

I have fitted cams using both standard and vernier pulleys using both the Ford slots and manufacturer supplied figures.

The end result is exactly the same, its just so much easier with verniers.

Just a shame that verniers are so expensive and can wear fast (even Kent ones).

JacksAvon - 11/8/15 at 09:22 AM

Thanks chaps