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Wanted Type 9 gear lever position extender
sonic - 16/5/16 at 05:29 PM

Hi Does anybody have a type 9 gearbox gear lever position extender they want to sell ?

rusty nuts - 16/5/16 at 06:31 PM

Make one? Do a search on here it's been covered loads of times

russtik - 16/5/16 at 10:17 PM

Rally Design do and would most likely be happy to sell

sonic - 18/5/16 at 04:23 PM

Hi guy's

Don't have the time or resources to make one and I know I can buy one from rally design for £60, but I just wondered if somebody had one second hand at a more reasonable price before I commit to a new one.

sonic - 26/5/16 at 07:54 PM

Bump really

Anybody got one they want to sell before I have to buy a new one

thepest - 27/5/16 at 05:57 AM

I have one, u2u me an email and I'll send pics

chris - 27/5/16 at 07:07 AM

I have one surplus to requirements