Thinking of ditching the Pipex PX600 filter idea, in favour of fitting smaller, individual filters to each carb.
Has anyone gone down this route? If so, where did you source the filters? Any problems with this arrangement?
I found that any filter really restrics air flow
I used a pair of ram air filters on my duratec with bike throttle bodies. Worked a treat, considered not using filters but I don't want to wear the engine out in 10000 miles.
In theory the individual filters won't give you as much power as the sausage filter
the best option is meant to be a full airbox (like the bike had) then you can tune its size to iron out flat spots or boost the peak power or
torque... (obviously you need be able to position the filter to draw in cold air to make the most of this)
what ever you do - any changes will mean the carb's need retuned to get the best out of them