Looking for a bit of help as the what to do.
I have a 1700 xflow with the inertia starter and recently when the car was on the rolling road I noticed there was a lot of sparks flying around in
the bell housing. I now have the engine back out to sort a few things and it seems the sparks were from the start coming into contact with the ring
The starter is a 10 tooth and the ring gear 110.
Can I swap the inertia starter for a normal starter, if so what starter do I need to look for?
Also the xflow is bolted up to a type 9 gearbox.
When I built initially, using a 1600 xflow engine + Capri 4-speed box, I had to change the flywheel to one with ring gear which suited the Capri starter. Might still have an unused ring gear, if you fancy fitting your own.
From memory the ring gear for the inertia starter is 110 teeth , for the pre engaged its 130 . Burtonpower website lists them
Mine shat 2 teeth off my pinion so bit the bullet and bought an up rated one. Wasn't cheap at all but certainly head and shoulders above the standard item. FYI, a 9 tooth starter will work fine on a 110t ring gear. I got mine from Cambridge Motorsport. Very very knowledgable and helpful. If this is the route you want to go then I can give you the specs of mine if need be as they are basically built to order.
Cheers for the reply's guys.