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MT75 gearbox quick shift
axle - 5/9/16 at 08:04 AM

Hi all

Has any clever LocostBuilder made the above at home yet if so could you please let me have the dimension and pictures?

I have manged to shorten the lever so far and fit it on to my car.

Rob Allison - 5/9/16 at 10:39 AM

Not too hard to do

axle - 5/9/16 at 12:44 PM

Thanks for the reply

[Edited on 6/9/16 by axle]

cr500dom - 29/9/16 at 11:01 AM

I fitted the Burtons one, makes it a much shorter throw

axle - 29/9/16 at 02:23 PM


Thanks for your reply 2 questions:

1)Did you do the above fabrication?
2)is the Burton one any different from others as there are cheaper ones from rally design or Ebay?