I gave the car an oil & filter change today so I decided to open up the old filter, I was shocked to find quite a lot of brass/copper fragments in
the filter.
What's the thoughts on this, is this still fine to drive or am I looking at impending doom ?
What engine? Sounds like bits of big end bearing. Doesn't sound good!
My first thought was big-end bearings - but some of mine were a grey coating on steel, so they're not only bronze in colour. Little-end bearings can be of a bronze material, can't they?
It's 1.8t from a seat Leon,
My thoughts were big ends/main bearings.
Bronze coloured indicates crankshaft thrust washers - check crank endfloat , or turbo bearings - check the turbo for axial play and endfloat as both
the endfloat washers and journal bearings are bronze (or brass for chinese copies).
Originally posted by craig_007
I gave the car an oil & filter change today so I decided to open up the old filter, I was shocked to find quite a lot of brass/copper fragments in the filter.
What's the thoughts on this, is this still fine to drive or am I looking at impending doom ?