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Type 9 gearbox leak
rob919 - 12/3/17 at 10:39 AM


Can anyone advise on a oil leak from the front seal of my type 9 gearbox into the bellhousing - it's the later smaller capacity box - with the filler located lower in the box body.

Any ideas on how to get a new front seal to seal better and stop oil leaking from the input shaft?



obfripper - 13/3/17 at 10:14 PM

Is it definately the input shaft leaking? The selector shaft and layshaft pin can leak behind the bellhousing gasket with oil either appearing in the bellhousing or dripping from the joint between the box and bellhousing.

Also check the breather hole in the top lid is clear - if it is blocked it will pressurise when hot and leak at the point of least resistance.

If it is definately from the input shaft, check the crank spigot bearing is ok and that the input shaft is engaging it fully,. The input shaft bearing will allow some tilt play at the input shaft end - this is normal, but axial play should be minimal.
Check the input shaft seal is installed with the flat face pointing toward the clutch, if it is in backwards the seal will be ineffective.


ttalps2000 - 25/3/17 at 08:23 PM

I am having exactly the same issue! Replaced the front seal 2 times now and still no better. The screw holes for the seal housing were all sealed off and all the gaskets had liquid gasket applied too!

If it is the selector fork, any fix for this?