Looking for assistance from you guys. My running gear is Sierra 2.0i and just spent £300 fixing a noisy gearbox, but quess what.......it was the rear
diff crown all the time, can't seem to find a new/recon unit anywhere, any ideas.
If your diff is not rubber mounted some noise on the over run is normal, or so I'm told.
It is rubber mounted and only happens 40-50mph.
Originally posted by dan-dare1
£300 fixing a noisy gearbox, but quess
both these companies supply both second hand and reconditioned sierra parts, including differentials.
Just get a S/H one. You will be fairly unlucky to drop on another one that is noisy, they are pretty robust things on the whole (saying that my first
diff was noisy, but never gave any hassle. Just fitted another scrappy jobbie - problem solved).
Perhap an ideal time to upgrade to LSD?
Get a rebulild kit from RallyTrans.
Timken bearings are the best in the business.
its a cheap diff surely, from a 2litre? almost certainly a lobro 3.62 open diff, common as muck. Buy a full car if you need, crap loads of spares and easy to find for £50.