I've started the sump modifications on my blacktop.
The standard pickup pipe is plastic so can't be modified.
I've searched on ebay but I can't find a metal pick up pipe.
Anyone have one lying around.
Alternatively will my CVH one that has already been modified fit (when I pull the engine?)
Try a friendly ford dealer with finis code 1072034 for the pickup and 1037675 for the gasket.
This should be the mondeo/cougar steel pickup pipe, iirc the early focus and transit connect lpg was also the same part.
I might have a silver top one, if I haven't thrown it out, I'll check the workshop tomorrow and get back to you
Give me a nudge near the weekend if you have no joy and I will see what I can find.
If your modifying a bt sump then half a black top pipe and half a silver top pipe works really nicley.
Shame the current one is plastic on my blacktop.
Didn't know if I could modify this one
That looks like a standard blacktop zetec pick up to me.