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Solid mounting diff
J666AYP - 14/8/18 at 05:31 PM

Hi gents,

Have seen some quite conflicting info on solid mounted diffs on the usual interweb research places. Some people swear by solid mounted diffs and others say it will shake the car to bits.

Can anyone shed some light on this?

Having a real nightmare mounting my diff (bloody german designers!). It would be far easier for me to solid mount it but I dont want to shake my fillings out when its on the road.

Any advice?


r1_pete - 14/8/18 at 05:45 PM

I was involved in building many hot rods in the 70s with solid mounted jaguar diffs, never had a problem providing the propshaft was properly balanced.

If the prop is balanced, the halfshafts rarely give a problem and the wheels balanced, there is nothing to shake the car. It might be a bit noisier but in most kits thats not an issue.

theduck - 14/8/18 at 06:14 PM

I have my sierra diff solid mounted, no issues at all.

rusty nuts - 14/8/18 at 07:49 PM

Mine is also solidly mounted , no shaking at all although I have a slight hissing from the diff, don't tend to notice it at all after ten years

melly-g - 14/8/18 at 08:41 PM

Solid mounted on the tiger avon as well, not noticed any vibration in the 11 years I've had it on the road. Always had a diff whine but I ignore that!

ReMan - 14/8/18 at 09:13 PM

Suspect for production cares they rubber mount everything possible as it reduces cabin noise = luxury = £££££
Reality most engineering, properly engineerd properly fixed will work better

J666AYP - 14/8/18 at 09:24 PM

Brilliant, cheers gents!


nick205 - 15/8/18 at 09:46 AM

Sierra diff was solid mounted in my MK Indy and didn't cause any issues. Sure you can detect a bit more noise, but then the diff is right next to your bum.