I'm thoroughly hacked off atm. Every time I fix something I find another problem! Car was running fine yesterday, infact I went for a 40mile
drive with out the roof on which was cold Today I came out and it wouldnt start. I could smell the fuel so I reckon thats ok. The first thing I
tried was putting a plug and lead direct out the coil and earthing that on the block, no spark. The wire going from the - on the coil looks ropey
where it joins the distributer, would that cause the problem? condeser? I dont think the points were sparking either, but I couldnt see very well as I
was trying to turn the key whilst lean over the engine bay.
I'm trying to get the car ready for donington end of next month and i've got loads to do. Fit the front disc setup, change the pedal box,
change the sump, change the alternator, get an engine mount made up, do a service, get the exhaust manifold welded up, fit fuse box and get some new
tyres Gonna be busy!
[Edited on 23/1/05 by pmc_3]
Switching wire come off on starter motor ?
Worth a look,happened to me before on my old cortina.
Its turning over ok. I'm just not getting a spark
is the distributer loose ie it has turned slightly putting the timing out? or has an earth cable become disconnected either from the battery to the chassis or from the engine to the chassis?
Fit the front disc setup, change the pedal box, change the sump, change the alternator, get an engine mount made up, do a service, get the exhaust manifold welded up, fit fuse box and get some new tyres
Thanks Stu. I wondered if it was the amount of power getting to the coil. The alternator is buggered and I drove the 40 miles with the lights on yesterday so the battery wasnt fully charged. I'll check those things
Originally posted by Stu16v
If OK, remove the wire that goes to the dizzy off the coil.
The - one or the coil lead that goes to the dizzy cap?
Stu16v - 23/1/05 at 09:22 PMTo the dizzy body rather than the cap. Sorry...
pmc_3 - 23/1/05 at 10:02 PMCheers Stu
pmc_3 - 24/1/05 at 07:31 PMWent down to the garage and put the battery back in. Got my dad to turn it over whilst I checked the points were sparking, which they were. Havent got a multimeter but have a circuit tester and tested the positive to the coil and got a very bright light. Still no spark from the king lead of the coil. Which points to the coil? The only worrying thing is the coil looks quite new.
Stu16v - 24/1/05 at 07:48 PMTry a sprk plug lead into the end of the coil first. Might be a duff king lead...
Do you know if you have ballast ignition fitted? Quite important, becuase if you have a 9v coil fitted which is getting a 12v feed, they don't tend to last for long...
pmc_3 - 24/1/05 at 10:26 PMI dont think I have the ballast system. I think there is just a direct feed from the battery to a switch in the cabin and then from that to the coil. I tried a couple of different leads that I know work. Is it likely that the coil has snuffed it? The problem just seems weird because the car was running fine when I put it away.
[Edited on 24/1/05 by pmc_3]
tks - 25/1/05 at 01:19 PMthey seem to be sensitibe once broke one
just sparking with the main lead to chasis...
measure the resistance of the coil, in that way you could measure if its in condition or not..
pmc_3 - 25/1/05 at 06:48 PMI'll try another coil, I think thats gonna be the culprit
pmc_3 - 25/1/05 at 09:43 PMThe current coil doesnt say how many volts it is. It just says the brand which is Intermotor.