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See into the future!
jambojeef - 24/1/05 at 06:01 PM

This could set your mind at rest!

I'm currently working with an A-level student on a really interesting project and I cant believe I havent realised that some of us might be interested in this...

Its a sensor which you screw into your sump and it continually measures the permittivity of your engine oil - or in other words the amount of contaminants in your oil. OH WOW! The possibilities are endless!

KNOW when your engine NEEDS oil changes!
PREDICT that your engine may be about to blow up! name but 2!!!

I've got a sensor to play with at the minute and wil let you know the results in Feb / March time (when her coursework deadline is!!)

Anybody fancy it?

Personally when me and Liam went to the Nurburgring a year and a bit ago I was so paranoid about the engine blowing up this would have made me feel so much better - thousands of miles from home with no recovery insurance!


andylancaster3000 - 24/1/05 at 06:54 PM

blimey, it makes my A-level Project look at bit sad....

jambojeef - 24/1/05 at 08:24 PM

And mine! But its not too complicated really - its just 4 wires - 2 for power and the other 2 outputs for a gauge - ones oil temperature I think and the others oil condtion!

Doesnt getany easier than that - I spoke to the chemist who calibrates them today and he sounded pretty clued up on it all (enough to confuse me anyway) - I'm gonna seriously think about.......stealing the sensor after its been marked!

andylancaster3000 - 24/1/05 at 08:41 PM

Are you doing A-level DT at the moment then? If so, what are you designing/making for it?

jambojeef - 24/1/05 at 08:46 PM

well kind of! Im teacing it but all credit goes to Naomi - (the girl whose project it is). Shes designing an automatic warning system which will take the signals from the sensor and dial a number with a pre-recorded message if the condition or temperature falls outside of set parameters - all quite trick and her own idea aswell!

My last DT project was a flashing ten-peg holder!

DaveFJ - 24/1/05 at 10:38 PM

seems quite similair to equipment fitted to some helicopter tranmissions. the kit we had was prone to giving false warnings but that was only in prototype form and also was subjected to a far worse environment than you would get in a car (vibration is a killer) so this could well work quite nicely. Good project.

Liam - 24/1/05 at 11:01 PM


Could have told me this BEFORE my pug engine blew up, arse master!

Sounds Rad! I'll have one in me car. How much are the sensors and guages if you can't nick them from school?



P.S. Could you adapt the system to monitor brake fluid condition? Might also have been handy at the Ring! Huh huh