Does anyone know how to make this work on twin DCOEs? It's clearly made to fit the top of the carb using the 5 screws holding the lid on.
Logically it fits on the back carb and the ball end link goes between the carbs but try as I might I cannot work out how to convert the movement from
the twin cables to anything like what's needed to open the carbs. I've got a selection of genuine Weber links including the carb balancing
linkages but nothing works.
Like this?
That's a picture of a Dellorto not a Weber, and single cable to boot.
See: http://www.mangoletsimanifolds.com/linkages.html
[Edited on 2/11/21 by Mike Wood]
[Edited on 2/11/21 by Mike Wood]
[Edited on 2/11/21 by Mike Wood]