Hello. I have a 1690 xflow which is leaking water into the oil whenever I run the engine up to operating temperature. I've changed the head gasket with £55 Ajusa gasket but it's still leaking. Any ideas? thanks!!! :-)
Are you sure that you head is totally flat? And the top of the block? No cracks in the head?
Also, the water pump and timing chain cover share a gasket, so it might be worth checking there as well. Obviously they should be totally isolated
from each other!
U gota check compression of each cylinder to eliminate head m8..... cheers
If heads fine.. then Daves right.
Thanks for the replies...
The compression ranges from 145psi to 160 psi across the cylinders - is that acceptable?
Hi David, thanks for the pointer - I noticed 3 drops of clear water from underneath the water pump a few weeks ago (not a regular occurance), but from what you say, that certainly sounds like where I need to look. I was worried that my pride and joy had cylinder liners installed in the past and they were leaking, but I'll try changing those gaskets now. Many thanks.