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ZX9R Oil
cerbera - 19/2/05 at 01:01 PM

*DISCLAIMER* If you have read any of my previous posts you will already know I've not a clue about anything, so please bear with me

Here goes, I check the oil regulary and have noticed that it now looks cloudy through the oil level window. If I start the engine and run it, the oil goes nice and clear, but upon turning the engine off it goes cloudy again. Somebody has suggested it may be a little moisture in the oil from condensation. Is this the case or am I looking at something a little more serious? It is due an oil change so hopefully thats all it needs.

Thanks in advance for any insight and advice


chrisf - 19/2/05 at 01:35 PM

Perhaps your window need cleaning. When you see the actual oil, is it nice and new? If so, I don't think I'd worry much.


clbarclay - 19/2/05 at 01:50 PM

My experiance of water and oil is that when un desturbed (engine off, and has been off for a while) oil and water seperate, the oil settles in a layer on top of the water.

Large fuel tanks (e.g. central heating) have drain taps on the bottom so that the water can be remove without destubing the oil.

When oil and water is mixed (remember that this is purely from my experiance) they form a grey/white mixture.

This is pure speculation, but mabe it is the bifferent parts of the oil seperating out. how long has the oil been in the engine?

cerbera - 19/2/05 at 04:56 PM

Thanks for the replies. My main concern was that something may have been seriously wrong. I've changed the oil today, as I said it was due to be changed. I'll have to wait and see what happens.

Thanks again

Hellfire - 19/2/05 at 06:09 PM

Just read it - hope everything is ok, no-one knows when it's going to happen to them...

cerbera - 19/2/05 at 06:42 PM

Sorry Hellfire.......nobody knows when what is going to happen?