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Type 9 gearbox bolt
Humbug - 7/3/05 at 10:26 PM

Can anyone tell me the size and thread of the single bolt that fixes the gearbox mount to the bottom of the box itself?


Mark Allanson - 7/3/05 at 10:30 PM

M10 std

Humbug - 8/3/05 at 06:31 AM


NS Dev - 8/3/05 at 08:18 AM

Just to confuse, isn't it actually M12 Mark????

I am pretty sure it is!

Avoneer - 8/3/05 at 12:23 PM

Yeah, I think it's an M12 as well.

britishtrident - 8/3/05 at 03:36 PM

Got one in my hand --- it is not the usual M12x1.5 seems to be M12x1.75 BUT I have a feeling it just might be 7/16" UNC

britishtrident - 8/3/05 at 03:46 PM

Found a M12x1.75 die nut and it won't screw on to it easily by hand but the pitch appears correct according to thread gauge---- I haven't got decent calipers to hand to check the dia accurately.

Mark Allanson - 8/3/05 at 07:16 PM

I answered a thread ages ago with the same question, my memory must be failing, I measured the original ford wierd bolt here at my computer - perhaps a search on the same title will find the thread, about the thread!

Sorry if I mislead you

Mark Allanson - 8/3/05 at 09:31 PM

Yes, its M12

NS Dev - 9/3/05 at 08:10 AM

Originally posted by britishtrident
Got one in my hand --- it is not the usual M12x1.5 seems to be M12x1.75 BUT I have a feeling it just might be 7/16" UNC

Std M12 metric coarse is 1.75 pitch surely

Humbug - 10/3/05 at 03:32 PM

Thanks for the various replies. I found by using a tap that it is M12 x 1.75

NS Dev - 11/3/05 at 08:40 AM

what a lot of help us lot were! Can't even tell you a simple bolt thread!

(I did say M12 std though!)