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air filter
hurf69 - 13/3/05 at 09:10 PM

any help /ideas welcome

my 1800 zetec in a 7 type car has a k&n filter on it but the filter is placed infront of the cam gear cover but behind the radiator so my engine must be gettin warm air . i am willing to buy new filter and ducting etc but where do i put it to get cold air as not much room in front of rad or under bonnet full stop.
what have you all done.

cheers josh

big_wasa - 13/3/05 at 09:17 PM

Hi,have you got the standard induction setup??

To go of subject a touch....Have you needed to shorten the sump to get the zetec in and what gearbox tou using..

I would love to come and have a look/chat one day as im just up the road

ethomas - 14/3/05 at 09:08 PM

You could run the Filter to outside the bonnet completely, and have it poking out on the opposite side to the exhaust, nice cold air and potential for a ram air effect at high speed.

Just an idea.



hurf69 - 14/3/05 at 09:22 PM

big wasa i think it is the standard induction just with a k&n filter.
im a bit of a cheat and bought the luego ex demo so did not build the car . the box is an mt75 and sump im sure is the standard 1800 zetec one .if you want to come over you are very welcome anytime.
cheers josh

ethomas i think thats a very good idea but may look abit funny (who knows).
what do you mean by ram air

ethomas - 14/3/05 at 09:50 PM

Ram air is using a scoop to force air into the system at a higher pressure at speed. It will not turn your car into a turbo, but can help at high speed. I would not mount a standaard Zirbox outside a car, but an induction kit mounted under an aluminium scoop could look nice.



hurf69 - 14/3/05 at 09:58 PM

see what you mean a pipercross viper kit could do the trick

hurf69 - 14/3/05 at 10:15 PM

just another question.
i see when you buy an induction kit you specify which car it goes on , why is this.

greggors84 - 14/3/05 at 10:21 PM

Just so that you get the right mounting kit. Alot of aftermarket filters are the same for similar cars, but just have a different base plate or moutning points so they fit in that paticular car.