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Ford geabox Size
Nitrogeno25 - 17/3/05 at 06:03 PM

How much wider is a Type 9 comparing to a escort 1600 box.

How much wider is a MT75 comparing to a escort 1600 or a type 9.


NS Dev - 17/3/05 at 06:21 PM

The 1600 escort 'box and type 9 are similar in all but detail in terms of external casing width. Where one goes width-wise, so should the other.

Re the MT 75, I know it is wider but not by how much (I would guess at around 15mm but that's a guess I'm afraid!)

In either case, I don't know your application but it is rarely the maincase of the gearbox that is the problem, more usually the bellhousing/clutch release arm area, which is quite bulky on the MT75, though again the only one I have is in my road car so others on here are better placed to supply dimensions!

britishtrident - 17/3/05 at 06:29 PM

Attached is a drawing I did a while back of the type 9 with the main dimensions.

Rob Lanes site has more info and picture on some of the various Ford gearboxes.