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Engine starting
DarrenW - 7/6/05 at 10:57 AM

I havent wired up engine bay or dash yet. Is there a way to fire her up (and check engine is OK) before completing the wiring or does everyone wire up bay and dash before doing this?

im wondering if i can run temp wires to starter and coil to check initially that the sparks are ok first.

I know i can wire up a test lamp to the oil pressure sensor sensor and watch for it going out when the pressure is built up.

(2.0 pinto, std Sierra early type electronic ignition).


tom_loughlin - 7/6/05 at 11:13 AM

i wired mine up, purely out of enthusiasm, to drive it around, but now its working, i dont want to have to undo it all to chop wires, and neaten up the bay .

all i wired in are the ecu thing, left off all the temp sensors.

coil is wired, along with starter motor, and i didnt bother with the alternator.

dont forget the crank position sensor as well, i spent many happy an hour trying to find out why there vas only 12kV coming from the coil instead of ~26kV.

after neatening up the bay, citting wires to length, and reassembling the lot again, i am coming across the same prob as i had before - only 12kV from the coil

i love electrics!!

good luck, and youll be driving it around before long - when your eagerness gets the better of you.


DarrenW - 7/6/05 at 11:34 AM

Thanks Tom,

Im not sure what wires go where. Ignition amp is Ok but i guess i need to take direct feeds from battery to.....???

Crank sensor? I dont think i have one of those on my pinto. Im using the early system and not the hall effect system.

Im getting impatient and want to see if it will try and fire up before going much fuerther. Stage 1 is to test the ignition works. Stage 2 is to give it a sniff of easy start to see if it will attempt to turn over then i will finish the fuel system plumbing / wiring and the cooling plumbing. I dont have exhaust yet so dont want to run it for long - just a couple of secs to see if it will start.

im probably talking my self into completing the engine bay wiring before goingto this stage. I have a starter button so maight be tempted to wire it in first.

Dusty - 7/6/05 at 11:55 AM

If using a points dizzy or inductive, a wire from batt pos to the coil pos and another to touch onto the starter solenoid to kick it over, after connecting the fat leads to earth battery to chasis/engine and another for alternator to bat pos and starter.

[Edited on 7/6/05 by Dusty]