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Sierra diff leak
smart51 - 7/6/05 at 02:37 PM

My sierra diff seems to leak oil out of the centre of the prop shaft coupling - maybe a teaspoon full per day. Is this normal?

Northy - 7/6/05 at 02:42 PM


smart51 - 7/6/05 at 02:53 PM

Ah. So, is it serious? If I bolt my prop shaft to it and the gap fills with oil; assuming the prop shaft to diff doesn't leak, is there a problem? On the other hand, is it easily (read cheaply) fixable?

chris.russell - 7/6/05 at 03:49 PM

you can get a full set of sierra diff seals on ebay (two drive seals and a pinion seal) for a tenner

carnut - 7/6/05 at 04:37 PM

mine leaked through the centre nut hole. If you take it off and squirt some silicon around this may stop it.

JoelP - 7/6/05 at 05:35 PM

when mine leaked from the front (not sure exactly where from) a new seal was cheap from ford, local garage fitted it free.

rusty nuts - 7/6/05 at 05:44 PM

Would have thought that if pinion oil seal is leaking oil would come out between seal and pinion flange? . Sounds like the oil is finging it's way along splines inside pinion flange . May be worth fitting new seal and some sealant along splines? H.T.H. Rusty

smart51 - 7/6/05 at 06:57 PM

just looked at it again. The oil is coming out between the steed flange and the brass coloured centre.

How do I get to the seal? Do I undo the nut, pull off the flange and it is there or is there much more to it than that?

JoelP - 7/6/05 at 10:26 PM

its in the haynes manual if that helps, but i believe you have the gist of it there.