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ok, where does this come on the dodginess scale???
NS Dev - 10/6/05 at 11:58 AM

dodgy engine perhaps??

Danozeman - 10/6/05 at 02:28 PM

Looks good to me. The supercharger looks like a turbo though.

alister667 - 10/6/05 at 02:57 PM

I'd say that would be a lovely engine in a cobra replica.
I'd just check the engine no. hasn't been gound off.

flak monkey - 10/6/05 at 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Danozeman
Looks good to me. The supercharger looks like a turbo though.

No its a supercharger.... Nice

MikeR - 10/6/05 at 04:40 PM

Nat don't do it, get the saab for your class 7 grasser ..... if you get that (irrespective of dodgieness) i'll be forced to have a drive for the sheer hell of it!

tks - 10/6/05 at 07:07 PM

is the difference in an turbo and an super charger??

don't have looked at the pic yet..


flak monkey - 10/6/05 at 07:10 PM

A supercharger works at all rpms providing a constant boost pressure. A turbo doesnt, it provides more pressure at higher rpms. Well i think so

Superchargers are usually driven off the crank shaft, some are electric though. Turbos are driven by exhast gas pressure.

Dale - 10/6/05 at 08:42 PM

Pretty sure a supercharger is linear in boost as its fed by the crank via belt, You get some boost right off of idle and up, tuned to the maximum boost level at max rmp I think. Turbo is fed from exaust under load so there is little paristic load but you get alot more plumbing and heat to contend with and no real benifit at lower rpms , depending on your sizing of the turbo determins the point under load that the turbo will hit boost. Setting of a waste gate ( a vavle that bypasses some exhaust around the turbo ) allows you to set your maximum boost level as oposed to having to change pullies on a supercharger. The waste gate setting can be controled in the car to lower or incrase your maximum boost. Big difference is on a turbo you can have maximum boost say at 3000rpm and keep it there till redline where with a supercharger you get max boost at max rmp.

Then again I may have my head up my ass again.


berkut - 11/6/05 at 07:56 AM

This depends on the type or supercharger you are using... On a lysholm / roots / G ladder supercharger the boost is always the same, corelated to the rpm. 0.5bar all the way from the bottom

In a supercharger with a centrifugical compressor like the one above the boost comes up as the rpm raise hitting max at max rpm and is more like a turbocharger with a large boost creep or waste gate opened wide.

NS Dev - 11/6/05 at 08:49 AM

berkut sums it up perfectly!!