I had to forget the idea of shortening the engine sump as the bellhousing for an MT75 gearbox is exactly the same. So i will gain nothing from it. I
have measured 80mm from the bottom of the chassis to the bottom of the sump, quite a big 'stick-out'. Whats a reasonable ground clearance
that an MK can achieve?
Has anyone else with MT75's in MKs or 7's sorted this one. Guys with cossies or the very few with DOHCs!!!
Although i had a shortened sump and a type 9 gearbox, i had 4.5 inces ground clearence from the lowest part of the engine which is similar to that of a mini.
Ok, spanks. What have people done with their MT75s then? Just accepted the problem/ solved it somehow?
Not sure how you will sort it out, but 80mm sounds dangerous to me. I think there was a post recently about grinding material off gearbox casings,
but that may have been a weight related reason.
Is the engine and g/box mounted at the right height/angle?
I run an MT75 and have cut/ground at least an inch off the bottom of the bell housing.
Yes is a bit dangerous i'd suppose, but i have though about putting a tray in front of the sump. I know i can get the sump lowered by 2 inches
and if i can get 1 inch out the bell housing (maybe more) then at least i'm getting somewhere.
Anyone got anymore suggestions?
I've also cut the bottom off the MT75 casting. With a shortened sump on my zetec the engine and gearbox has 75mm between it and the road and is 25mm below the bottom of the chassis. No real hassle in road use.