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Fuel Hose with Brake Fluid
smart51 - 19/6/05 at 12:39 PM

I need to connect my brake fluid reservoir to some copper pipe leading to my master cylinders with flexible hose. I need a piece about 50mm long. I have plenty of hose marked Fuel. Is this OK with brake fluid?

Stu16v - 19/6/05 at 03:04 PM

Get the proper stuff. Brake fluid can disintegrate unsuitable rubber in no time. Dont wish to preach, but is it worth saving a few pennies to possibly compromise your brake system?

rusty nuts - 19/6/05 at 03:58 PM

Fuel hose will not pass S.V.A. You will need the correct type , got mine from Think Automotive . Not cheap but cheaper than brake failure or a retest fee. The kit sold by Europa is not correctly marked and therefore will not pass S.V.A. unless they have now rectified this.

ned - 20/6/05 at 09:54 AM

think auto's blue/purple cotton braided is the stuff for sva..
