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Stolen recovered engines
unixguy - 25/6/05 at 04:37 PM

Hi guys. If I was to buy a stolen recovered engine [with no numbers on it], complete with a full recipt, how much trouible would this cause me when trying to register my vehicle?

Thanks :]

stevebubs - 25/6/05 at 04:56 PM

If Pre-95 then Proving the engine age would be one hurdle you'd have to overcome

greggors84 - 25/6/05 at 05:17 PM

You dont need an engine number to register the vehicle, but for SVA you would need one to prove the engine was built before 95 unless you stick a cat on it as if you can't prove the age of the engine they give it the full emissions test which really need a cat to pass.

To prove when it was built you normally send the engine number off to the manufacturer and they will send you back a letter confirming.

Trev Borg - 25/6/05 at 08:57 PM

The police will normally come and inspect any engines that are claimed to be stolen recovered.

If i remember correctly the department is called C10.

They can usually use an acid agent to remove some of the metal from around the number stamp area , and the original number that was stamped can still show through. When the numbers are stamped it distorts the metal around it and below it, so just filing the plate means that can still tell what they were. This good if the engine is pre 95 and you want avoid using a cat. Bad if its stolen and they take it off you

Rorty - 28/6/05 at 06:38 AM

I went to look at a Blackbird engine when they first came out and I was very suspicious because they were so new. When I asked a few of the usual questions, the seller got edgy, so my M8 made an excuse and went back to the car and called the seller's phone, disguised his voice, and kept him busy with some engine type questions.
We had already dropped the sump to look at the insides, so I pulled the side cover off and inside, there were a few tell-tale TIG "bursts" directly under the engine number. He had obviously welded over the old one and re-stamped and re-painted it.
Before he came back out, I belted the suitcase out of the oil pick-up etc and quickly put the sump back on. The next potential buyer would have seen a right mess in there.
I've had an engine stolen (amongst other things), so I know what it's like.
If you're engine is now legit, I wish you well with it. If it's still dodgy, then I hope it blows!