does anyone know of anyone who makes/supplies engine to gearbox adapters for the audi transaxle?
in particular for the toyota 4age engine, but considering all at moment
Did you try GB engineering? i got a VW - alfa one before.
GB Engineering ltd
Wybunbury road
phone 01270 841081
Link is for the old bettle gearbox. Not the more modern VW/audi trans axle.
yeah i guessed that when i looked
tried ring the other place earlier but i think it was a bit late for a friday
i thought the audi transaxle was used a fair bit in kit cars? or do people tend to stick with vag engines with it?
I intent to put a 302 or 351 windsor to Audi 016 box, has many others have, but not that far on yet!! Drew
I know someone running a zetec on an Audi transaxle - in an MK GT-R.
All done with home made adapter plate.
Would be interested to see some photos if possible.(zetec/audi)
If you're only talking about an adaptor, why not make it yourself? It just involves a few basic tools to set it out, though a bandsaw would be required if you can't get it laser/water jet cut.
i have considered it.
I know its not a compilicated part, its just that alignment needs to be spot on or i'll be wearing out input shaft bearing like no tomorrow
Daft question - the audi transaxle has the bellhousing as part of the case (well i'm pretty sure it does).
So ........ how do you get past the fact that what ever you make will push the gearbox input shaft further away from the clutch / crank shaft?
What you say would be true if an adaptor plate were to be inserted between the Audi transaxle and the comensurate Audi engine, however, mating a
different engine to the axle may have different results.
in most situations, a short adaptor shaft has to be sweated/pinned to the original input shaft, or a whole new shaft could be machined, but
that's extreme and expensive.
aaah, so basically extend the gearbox input shaft to take into account the extended distance between the gearbox and engine.
ok........ i was hoping for a polite version of "you've forgotten this dummy" response
Have a look here. I'm not quite finished yet, waiting on machining, but getting there
Fred WB
what cars is the 016 fitted to? 4 cylinders? 5 cylinders? v6? all of them?