my differential is 10mm off-center (its very slightly towards the driver side.
i cant get it much further central without grinding a section out of the mounting bracket so im wondering if this would cause any problems or be okay
as it is?
the main thing im thinking of is driveshaft lengths. but i noticed theres a little 'slide' in the driveshaft lengths so they could
potentially cater for a small deviation in length.. is that right?
(edit - forgot to mention, its a sierra diff with bolt on driveshafts)
[Edited on 31/7/05 by Dillinger1977]
I think you'll find one driveshaft is longer than the other to compensate this.
there is lots of play in the shafts anyway, and ISTR that prop bearings prefer to be slightly off centre. Should be fine.
Are you sure it's not central?
The input flange should be central, the output flanges should not be, as said above this is compensated for by different length drive shafts.
the bolt on half shafts have some play in their lengths but form memory on my VortX, they were pushed in most of the way. I have a sierra LSD with
bolt on shafts and that went in centrally. The prop shaft flange should be central in the tunnel, not the output shafts to the car. 10mm should be
OK over the length of your propshaft, especially as you get to choose where to mount the centre bearing.
[Edited on 1-8-2005 by smart51]
Originally posted by Mix
Are you sure it's not central?
The input flange should be central, the output flanges should not be, as said above this is compensated for by different length drive shafts.