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CVH vs Pinto debate
Mark Allanson - 6/1/03 at 06:32 PM

As you all probably know, I have been looking for a decent donor car for a few months. I already have my chassis to the rolling stage, but needed the engine,box,steering column and loom bit.

Today I was given a 2.0i sierra with a good engine, and was also offered a 1.8 CVH sierra with an equally good engine. DILEMA which one do I use?

The CVH is lighter, more economical and not as tall.

The pinto (205) is more powerful, has more tuning potential, but will need converting from injection to carb(s)

What does the panel think? All advice gratefully recieved


zetec - 6/1/03 at 07:43 PM

Go with the Pinto. As you say there is loads more upgrades for it. Also if you are getting the complete car why not stick with the injection, Dax do loads to promote this engine and if you get all the bits it should be easy, and once up and running should stay in tune a lot longer than carbs.

jollygreengiant - 6/1/03 at 08:02 PM


As Zetec says best bet is the 2.0i. However you will not find it easy to swap to carbs as the heads are different on the inlet ports. Carbs = round ports & Inj = pear shaped ports. You cant just swap manifolds cos you end up with air leaks.

& well tuned inj lump can be reliable & economical. If my mrs can get 30+ out of a "G" reg grumpy with 250k+ & a well rattling cam then you should be OK with a Locost by virtue of the weight.

Just checked her latest average =36.23mpg


[Edited on 6/1/03 by jollygreengiant]

david walker - 6/1/03 at 08:23 PM


Sensible comments already posted on Pinto v CVH but I note that you are building a "Book Chassis". If so just be careful as the Pinto engine is very tall. The book dimensions are all for a 1300 X'Flow and you will struggle with the height of the overall installation. Don't forget that many, I know not all, who are using the Pinto are building an MK kit, which is different to the "Book".

philgregson - 6/1/03 at 08:35 PM

I cant imagine pinto with injection still attatched would fit in anything lower than a double decker bus! The plenum chamber sticks way above an already tall engine.

I looked seriously into the CVH route before I got hold of my V6 - I don't think that it is as bad an idea as some people think.

There are well proven tuning routes & I think silva use the CVH with many of the problems and solutions described on their web site. Also it is considerably lighter than the Pinto.

I have a complete 1.6 from an XR3i if any one wants it - not a bad little engine.
