I have been told that Ford Transit Pinto engines are higher compression and if you add a turbo they are well powerful. This is an option I have been
thinking about but I'm not sure what the insurance would be with a turbo, Which turbo would be a good fit?
Anyone have any thoughts or ideas about this option?
youd have to be running low boost because the high compression. to properly turbo an engine you need to use low compression pistons
If anything the norm for commercials is to make the engines slightly lower compression if anything at all. The only reason that a commecial apparently
goes quicker is because of the gearing. Hence there was a spate of highly embarassed RS escort owners initially becuse their motors were being left
for dead on traffic light grand-prix's by bog std escort vans.
Get a normal late block pinto & if you want to go quick sort it proper like, from the bottom end up.
[Edited on 8/1/03 by jollygreengiant]
oooh cheers guys, i'll have to have a re think!
I've heard that petrol engines ae now running more compression and lower boost than previous,its an efficiency thing or something like that.
Hicost is the man to speak to on this subject me thinks.
most vans do run low compression engines. I dont know if this helps the torque, economy, or allows crappy fuel grades.
Using a turbo with anything more than about (so i have read) 8.8 - 1 compression will cause detonation. There are water injection kits to lessen this
effect tho.
I dont think there is any better way to get decent performance than to fit a well tuned engine (std) from the start. By the time its had lotsa dosh
spent on it, you may have been better of getting something std turbo'd or with lotsa cc.
the exception is mad high power stuff like cossies like hicosts - if powers your aim and you have the pockets, then why not!
If I wanted something fast outa the box I would have used a toyota 2.0 turbo or similar.
Having said that, I do have designs on trying a low pressure turbo on my cologne - but thats a long way in the future and may never happen!