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38DGAS help please - now sorted
DarrenW - 17/8/05 at 10:50 PM

I have a standard 2.0l Pinto lump. Head refurbed and fitted with FR32 cam. 2nd hand 38DGAS fitted. I have noticed a fuel leak when i completed fuel supply tonight. Carb has 2 toothed quadrants that open both choke flaps together. Oposite the quadrants is a device that i think is called a accelerator pump. It has an arm that moves as the chokes open up. Fuel observed leaking from this arm. Is there a diaphragm behind this that is likely to be perished. I think i need a refurb kit - does anyone know if the diaphragm etc will be part of a refurb kit? Does anyone have any reference material for this carb to assist with a strip down and rebuild or can anyone recommend a good book.
I have never stripped a carb before so any advice is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

[Edited on 19/8/05 by DarrenW]

NS Dev - 18/8/05 at 08:02 AM

You are on exactly the right track. It is indeed the accelerator pump (when you open the throttle it squirts a jet of petrol in to mask the flat spot as the airspeed through the carb picks up and starts to draw fuel off the jets)

As far as I can remember, the diaphragm is part of the rebuild kit, if you check with Burton's ( Tel. 020 8554 2281) though they'll let you know for definite.

The rebuild itself is nothing to be afraid of, just get a can of carb cleaner or some cellulose thinners, an old toothbrush and newspaper to spread everything out on and be meticulous, that's about it.



[Edited on 18/8/05 by NS Dev]

nick205 - 18/8/05 at 09:44 AM


Just found the same problem with the 32/36DGV carb I am using. I have ordered a rebuild kit from Burtons for about £14, which has all the parts, gaskets and seals you need.

I've not stripped acarb before, but as NS Dev says I don't think it's too difficult!


DarrenW - 19/8/05 at 08:33 AM

Thanks guys. I managed to get hold of the Haynes Weber manual as well. The diaphragm has perished. I managed to get it away by wiping some bond and seal onto it with a cloth. It has made a temparary repair whilst i sort a kit out.

I whipped the top off the carb and was surprised by how simple it looks underneath. The manual actually makes it sound more complicated.

Thanks for your help. Ill give Burtons a call.