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Water Gallery Plug Removal
RichardK - 11/12/05 at 09:48 AM

What is the best way to get these out? The one above the flywheel seems to be the worst as it's obvious that it's been leaking, so thought I would replace all of them on the basis of if one has gone the rest will follow pretty shortly!

Not sure whether to drill the center out and try pulling them out with a claw hammer or if there is an easier way?

Cheers everyone


BTW Merry Christmas

zzr1100rick - 11/12/05 at 10:07 AM

if you drill a hole in it and screw a self tapping screw in and use a claw hammer that should move then or knocking a pointed bar through and twisting to pry the plug out should also work Rick

ch1ll1 - 11/12/05 at 10:08 AM

there are a few ways of doing it!
depends on location and room!

drill a hole into it and then screw a screw into it then pull it with a hammer
get a nice knocking stick(hammer) and a good old screw driver knock the lip into the block, that should force the other side out ! the pull it out

or if its rotten in the middle, knock a hole in it, get a bar (like a tyre lever) and force it out !

hope this helps

zzrpowerd-locost - 11/12/05 at 10:13 AM

Normally, if you are careful, you can get a flat blade screwdriver and tap them on one edge. This makes one edge go into the block and the opposite come out. Can then grip with pliers and plug out.


You could do it the way you said, but i think you will find it will turn anyway as you try to knock a hole in it!


If you are unlucky like me, get the engine running abit to hot, then they will blow out! Lost to rallycar engines like that!

zzrpowerd-locost - 11/12/05 at 10:17 AM

DOH! Beat me to it again!

Well done zzr1100rick on your first post BTW

Soon be a senior builder like me! Funny thing is i aint built a thing yet!