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2.0 vauxhall sump
andrew-theasby - 5/4/03 at 10:41 AM

Do i really need to run my engine on carbs? And why do i need a shorter steel sump? is it just cause the standard one wont fit, and has anyone else had trouble with the distributor getting in the way?

david walker - 5/4/03 at 02:54 PM

Andrew, which Vauxhall unit are you going to use?

Most have fairly shallow sumps as std, although they would need to have in a Locost, as the larger Vauxhall engines, both 8v & 16v are tall.

If you are intending using a FWD engine though you must consider the shape of the sump, where the oil will sit and where the pick up pipe is located. As such sump modification or replacement will be neccessary.

You certainly don't need to run your engine on carbs, use the std injection system if you wish.

Stu16v - 5/4/03 at 10:18 PM

Andrew, I see from an earlier post that you intend to use the XE 16v. I am also using this motor in my car. My original intention was to use the standard injection system, but without major mods, it aint gonna happen....
The standard inlet manifold/plenum chamber is too tall for squeezing under a locost bonnet, but to add insult to injury, the manifold sweeps down the side of the engine taking up the place where the steering column needs to go. And I suspect if yours is a standard width chassis (mine isnt) there wouldnt be room for it even without the column problem. I did play with a hybrid of an Alfa Romeo inlet manifold/weber manifold, but luckily dropped on a set of 45's and ignition for the right price, so I never got to finish the idea.
As for the sump, the FWD one will be no good, it's too tall, and has no baffling. You have a number of options, you can buy a sump off Westfield, SBD etc (big bucks, but tried and tested), you could cut and shut a Manta big wing sump (quite rare to find, and they are made of alloy so may not be something you can do yourself), or you can modify a steel 8v sump (cut and baffle).
Cheers, Stu.

andrew-theasby - 5/4/03 at 10:57 PM

Thanks for your replies guys. Ive been talking to yukspeed and he sells an alloy sump for £140 which he uses to fit the engine into escort rally cars i assume this is the same as the ones you talk about? did you need to use a distributor-less ignition system on yours stu?

andrew-theasby - 5/4/03 at 11:08 PM

Stu16v, dont suppose you could send me some pictures of your engine install could you please to Thanks

Stu16v - 5/4/03 at 11:26 PM

I could....if only I owned a Digi camera! There is some photo's in the Archive, which I took with a borrowed camera. And if goes according to plan (hohoho) The car will be at Stoneleigh if that helps.....
I dont know if the Yukspeed one will be OK or not TBH. IIRC it is merely a baffled FWD one which is still the same in height, although I may be wrong here.
I purchased a Westfield sump for 165 GBP, but that was when they had an 'open day' a couple of years ago. I think they are 220GBP now (ouch). But saying that, it's still cheaper than replacing the engine......
P.s. Yukspeed were the cheapest for bellhousing conversion and inlet manifold for twin 45's that I found.

HTH Stu.