What clutch cable have you all used?
i have a MK escort chassis with MK peadles, escort box, the escort cable is too short so the radius of the cable is so dam tight that it will wear in
no time, have tried a sierria cable the outter is perfect but the inner cable is 100mm to long???
i have been given ways to shorten the cable but i would perfere to use a stock item to make future replacements easy when the AA come out!!
Any ideas?
Not tried it, but was gonna use a Capri one- looked like it had the same ends as the 'scrote one but was a bit longer... Anyone confirm?
Bob, did you check out Locodudes car at Stafford? He has used an Escort cable in a 'U' shape with some stupidly narrow angle. I thought it would never
work like that but it's been on the road for nearly a year with no problems. Smooth as you like aswell.
I have decided to drill out an original serria cable and shorten it by 90mm, then re-soldered the cable and sofar it has held the pressure.....well
for 1 day!!! see what the road test dose!?