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Just out of interest has anyone fitted a sump guard?
JackNco - 21/10/06 at 07:57 PM

well i guess the title says it all. has anyone on here fitted a sump guard? is it even worth considering?


Jon Ison - 21/10/06 at 08:08 PM

yes, and it works, dents too prove.

Humbug - 21/10/06 at 08:11 PM

Yes - ali chequer plate - on the basis that an extra 3mm of ali to scrape is better than f*cking my sump

thomas4age - 21/10/06 at 08:50 PM

yes after 5 sumps in total 3 xflow and 2 4age ones I fitted a 4mm thick steel bashplate underneath and never had problems since.

grtz Thomas

dutch speedbumps are frekkin high sometimes!

flak monkey - 21/10/06 at 08:53 PM

This is quite interesting to me at the mo, has anyone got any pics of their sump guards?


givemethebighammer - 21/10/06 at 08:59 PM

I have a 6mm thick nylon skid plate, plenty of scrapes on it to prove it needs to be there.

Fozzie - 21/10/06 at 10:15 PM

Yes I have a sump guard. Essential IMHO you never know what other vehicles kick up or drop right in front of you

Dents in the guard to prove it.....

Didn't take any pics of it though, may get round to doing it soon!


pjavon - 21/10/06 at 10:26 PM

i would look what can happen if you don't Rescued attachment sump 4.JPG
Rescued attachment sump 4.JPG

McLannahan - 21/10/06 at 11:12 PM

I have one too - Thick ally plate like Humbug. Have heard it being scraped on many occasions when going over humps. Didn't have one on my old Xflow and used to go over every hump at a 45 degree angle!

Can take a picture of it tomorrow and upload if needed?

JackNco - 22/10/06 at 02:20 AM

Originally posted by McLannahan
I have one too - Thick ally plate like Humbug. Have heard it being scraped on many occasions when going over humps. Didn't have one on my old Xflow and used to go over every hump at a 45 degree angle!

Can take a picture of it tomorrow and upload if needed?

That would be great, seems like its not just me thats interested in it


JackNco - 22/10/06 at 02:26 AM

Ive also herd about people padding the top side of the sump guard so if u get any little stones on it then hit something that doesn't damage the sump???

Some of that manifold heat stuff do the job?

hobbsy - 22/10/06 at 10:38 AM

Hmm I think this needs to be added to my to-do list. Not sure whether to go ally or nylon. Ally would be easier to shape but nylon would probably be a bit tougher (depends how thick your ally is).

Humbug - 23/10/06 at 09:12 PM

I didn't think of nylon - you could use one of those kitchen cutting boards, then see how long it is untill SWMBO notices it's missing

JoelP - 24/10/06 at 09:27 PM

with my new car im making the effort to not have to sump protruding at all, and fully panel the bottom.