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Power output, Pinto.
Johan F - 26/5/03 at 10:28 PM

How many bhp's is it possible to squeeeeze out of a 2l Pinto, spending about 1000€ ?

/ Johan

DaveFJ - 27/5/03 at 10:42 AM

take a look at

for your money you should be able to get about 120 - 130 bhp

ned - 27/5/03 at 11:07 AM

spending that money, surley you'd be better off with a different engine?

zetec, vauxhall etc etc

Johan F - 8/6/03 at 06:14 PM

Yes, I would, but I am aiming för a Westfield SDV wich only accepts the Pinto.. as far as I know anyway...
/ Johan