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Aldon Ignition Curve.
Sheepy - 27/5/03 at 11:05 AM

I have a 1700 X-flow, twin 40s and 234 cam. I've only had it 2 months and getting to know each bit. I thought the power was down and the temp up so I checked the timing to find it at TDC for idle and rose to 14 BTDC for 3500rpm...not quite right !! I've got an Aldon ignitor and so contacted them for correct timing they said 12-14 so i've put it to 10 for now...problem is by 4000rpm it is still only adding 14 degress and is therefore 24 BTDC ..still not enough. Aldon say that at 5800rpm it will increase up to 24 degrees plus static which makes 34 which is correct...this doesn't follow tradition though. I've always found, seen and read that advance should be at its max by the 4000 rpm range and will stay there until the the red line...this is how the original weights and vacuum work...why shouldn't the electronic be the same. I realise I have beefed everything else up but they won't explain why their curve keeps increasing proportional to engine speed. I know they can re map the curve but I spend all day in the 4000rpm range where the advance is way too short and losing power / fuel etc. Does anybody pease have a curve or graph of advance to suit this type of engine or anything to add to this...thanks.

Stu16v - 27/5/03 at 05:36 PM

The only 'real' way of finding out the timing requirements of your engine is to get it onto a rolling road. Every engine (and its timing requirements) are different.
A conversion from points ign can cause the bob weights to 'stick' needing higher RPM to reach the same point in the opening period.
Personally, the only time I use a timing light is for diagnosis on a misfiring engine. Have a play with the timing on a straight bit of road, with the engine nice and warm. Otherwise get it booked in for a rolling road session.


Sheepy - 28/5/03 at 12:20 PM

it is booked in for the rolling road in a few weeks time but I like to know exactly what state the car is in before I take it in so that when they bring it back i can see exactly what has changed and why. Its flipping annoying when garages hand back you car and tell you that the piece they've investigated is too complicated to explain to you. Usually the case that they don't really know but its working a bit better now. I like to know exactly what I've got so that I can use it in the future but there are so many people saying so many different things that you end up going round in circles anyway. thanks anyway. gaz

[Edited on 28/5/03 by Sheepy]